Thinking About Time

Driven by Time In many - if not most - law firms, an attorney's value is measured in time.  We often think of time in two ways - as something positive, “I had a great time," or as something negative, “we're out of time.”  Either way, we are constantly admonished not to “waste” time.  But …

Tame Social Media

Is Social Media Your BFF or a Necessary Evil? Either way, there is no getting around it.  For many small businesses, thought, managing social media is time-consuming, confusing, and downright annoying.  I'm going to answer the three questions I hear most often from too-busy business owners. I may be dating myself but... do you remember …

Of Shining Eyes and Hope

Back to Different One silver lining during the pandemic has been having time to connect with others, make new friends and nurture those relationships.  And that has included conversations with other thoughtful people around the myriad issues this unprecedented time has magnified - like the one I recently had with Mac Bogert.  Mac quotes the …

It’s Okay to Interrupt Yourself

We’ve always been told not to interrupt someone when they’re talking. This is good advice, but sometimes it’s okay and even helpful to interrupt – yourself, that is. When you let your thoughts run the show, you may find yourself reacting in ways that you’ll wish you hadn’t. But when we take the time to notice our thoughts, we take back control and we can choose our response.

Balance is for Gymnasts – Aim for Peace Instead

I say it’s time to stop talking about work-life balance. The pandemic has made clear what has always been true – work is part of our lives. I believe we should be seeking the peace that comes from showing up in all areas of life in ways that are consistent with our values and priorities.

My Advice: Take Your Own Advice

Sometimes we know things are off, but our logical brains tell us we “should” be happy. That’s when it helps to tap in to the knowledge of our minds, bodies and intuition instead of just relying on one type of knowing.

What Would You Tell Your Best Friend?

Sometimes the person that needs our understanding, caring and warmth is the person in the mirror. Yet, this is the person we are most reluctant to offer compassion. Self-compassion is a key element in building resilience so we can move through the tough times.